Thursday, January 13, 2011

Belize is nature and nature is Belize.

Conch Shells found on the beach!

Grand Caribe has so much to offer its guest and as this blog continues, the uniqueness of the resort as well as of Ambergris Caye and Belize itself will be discovered.

Pelicans flying over Grand Caribe

The last blog spoke of the culture of Belize, the people that inhabit this small yet culturally diverse country. And now we discover another important element of Belize, the other inhabitants which are just as diverse and laid-back. The wildlife and marine life is abundant here and make life both more exciting and more beautiful. According to the Belize Audubon Society there are "as many as 587(types) birds" in Belize. Many of which can be seen from Grand Caribe.
Belize's national animal and bird are rare and intriguing animals; the tapir and the toucan. Yet they are not the only rarities, for there are jaguars, the scarlet macaws, howler monkeys and the crocodiles to name a few of our larger more visible land loving neighbors. We also have the Barrier Reef which houses our beautiful and wondrous water loving friends, dolphins (which seem to love accompanying boats), manatees, sea turtles, sting rays, sharks and an array of fish, shellfish and invertebrates make Belize there home.
These animals are sprinkled everywhere, Belize is nature and nature is Belize; we Belizeans simply live amongst it. Our guests do the same as they stay in their island home, where nature surrounds them in the sky, in the sea and on the land.

If one quietly sits on the beach here at Grand Caribe, the nature of Belize becomes immediately apparent, snails , crabs and fish in the sea, seagulls and storks in the sky and iguanas in the trees. Being out of the hustle and bustle of San Pedro, Grand Caribe's tranquility shows off the best of nature. The reef that lines our beautiful island allows for calmer waters, a snorkelers delight! For where there are calm waters nature flourishes. We dare you to sit on the pier and count less than 20 fish or less than 5 varieties of fish. We dare you to walk the beach or go in the water and not find beautiful shells including conch shells everywhere. It all makes you want to be a collector or photographer. These are not the waters of Cancun where there isn't a fish , a bird or a shell in sight  Yet you don't have to be a tree-hugger to appreciate nature, all you have to do is be able to admire beauty in its rawest form. 

One of the hammocks at Grand Caribe

Picture it, during the day lying in a hammock swaying slightly in the breeze, amongst rustling coconut trees, a drink in hand, a low hum of music from the bar in the distance mixed with the crashing of waves along the reef, and birds flying over the water in blue skies. At night laying on a lounge chair on the beach feeling the cool breeze, hearing the waves coupled with the song of nature, the crickets and frogs who sing along in melody, while fireflies dance and mimic the twinkling stars above.    
Walking along the beach is no fun with hundreds of other tourist, no wildlife or marine life, its barren and oddly alienating.The laid-back nature of Belize's people and wildlife, like a siren, calls to people making them friendlier, they slow down, take their time, greet strangers, and make friends of strangers
Belizeans live this life with nature, admiring it daily, call us romantics but shouldn't everyone be a romantic from time to us? Grand Caribe is after all luxury in paradise for good reason, come explore it all from the comfort of our island homes.